Immunizations are given at the Health Center on Wednesdays from 8 am to 3:30 pm and other days by appointment.
All required childhood immunizations are provided at the health center for children with Medicaid, an accepted private insurance plan, or who would like to pay out of pocket. Several adult immunizations are available including vaccinations that help prevent against tetanus, pertussis, shingles, and pneumonia. The Health Center is able to bill most Medicare plans and insurances, or individuals can pay out of pocket.
We are proud to announce our new feature with Vaccine Appointments!
Self-Schedule appointments are here! With this feature, you are able to select from an option of vaccine clinic days and appointment times.
Demographic and insurance information is required to schedule an appointment.
Select a clinic that works for you:
Wednesday Clinics (Aug.-Oct. 2024): Click Here to Schedule
After Hours Vaccine Clinics (Sept.-Oct. 2024): Click Here to Schedule
Friday Vaccine Clinics (Sept.-Oct. 2024): Click Here to Schedule
Immunization Schedules
See pictures below for the most up to date schedules
Appointment Information:
Vaccine Information Sheets
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
General Vaccine Information:
Center for Disease Control
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
Traveler's Vaccines
Vaccine Advocacy:
Missouri Immunization Coalition
Vaccinate Your Family
Voices For Vaccines
Exemption Forms:
Missouri Religious Exemption Card-K-12 School Children
Missouri Parental/Guardian Exemption Card-Preschool and Child Care
Are you and your children up-to-date on your immunizations? Look at the CDC's Immunization schedule to make sure you have all the vaccines you need, or contact the Health Center if you have any questions.